Ready, Respectful, Safe - An Introduction to BMET

Today marked the first induction day on site at BMET College where crucial information about the placement was delivered. The main stance on policy came under the motto of “Ready, Respectful and Safe” where both students and staff were expected to be –

Ready – To learn, for example, by having pen, papers and the motivation to learn.

Respectful – Courteous and respectful to everyone, with a focus on British Values.

Safe – Ensuring the wellbeing and safeguarding of students, from fire safety to ID cards and correct usage of College facilities.

In regard to my teaching, I was selected for ESOL (in relation to my subject specialism for the PGCE). The two main groups of learners were 16 – 18-year olds and adults. The only difference being that depending on their level of entry (for example, pre-entry) the certificate obtained varied from a printed certificate for participation granting access to Entry Level 1 and/or an actual examination board grading and marking students against official criterion, in order to obtain an officially recognised qualification (e.g. GCSE).

After making initial contact with my mentor the week’s schedule is set to be one full of classroom observations and timetable arrangements. Organising forthcoming lessons into ones with gradual progression into teaching partial to entire lessons as the course progresses. Though I currently have no understanding of the grading criteria, syllabi, curriculum and student level/language proficiencies, these are all aspects I will be paying most attention to throughout this first week.

It has been arranged for there for be somewhere between 9 to 12 hours of teaching per week, adequately supplying enough time to fulfil the 150-hour requirement of the PGCE with encouraged involvement in other lessons not just in our subject specialisms but in amongst other courses. All in the aid to broaden our teaching experience and help us to continually develop professionally.

         BMET CHARTER on RRS


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